Jumping Exercises for Horse & Rider

by Linda L. Allen, Dianna R. Dennis (Contributor), David O'Connor
Equestrian competition is a fluid melding of horse and rider. But the
grace and beauty one sees in the competition ring does not just happen.
Like any sport, it is the result of hours of practice. Allen, a former
international competitive rider, licensed judge, and Olympic course
designer, offers a series of exercises for horse and rider designed to
isolate and master specific skills. The increasingly complex exercises
conclude with skills for more advanced riders, but she begins with basic
skills, such as the walk and trot. Throughout she emphasizes straightness,
calmness, balance, and rhythm... |
Cavalletti: The Schooling of Horse and Rider Over Ground Rules
by Ingrid Klimke, Reiner Klimke, Brenda Williams
The usefulness of cavalletti work in the training of horses and riders
receives renewed attention and authority with the reissuing of this
classic work by legendary dressage rider and trainer Reiner Klimke. In
this comprehensive, handy volume, Dr. Klimke authoritatively demonstrates
how cavalletti work facilitates and improves the basic training of horses
for all forms of horsemanship, especially with regard to fundamental and
more advanced gymnastic work for hunters, jumpers, and combined training
horses and riders... |